All Saints Catholic Collegiate has a strong commitment to building leadership capacity to sustain Catholic life and school improvement in every academy. Through the Scheme of Delegation, the board of directors delegates responsibility for close monitoring of school improvement, achievement and outcomes to the directors' committee. The committee meets at least once per term. The appointment of an executive director, who is a National Leader of Education (NLE), ensures that all information is collated and systematically reported to the board, including external reports. In addition, the board has secured the services of an external School Improvement Partner to monitor and report on standards at secondary level. Each principal provides a termly summary report to the board of directors. This is extracted from the main report to the local academy committee. Directors' Monitoring TimelineEvery year, the board sets an agreed timeline for monitoring, evaluation and review of key priority areas.
A copy of this is available below.
Board of Directors Monitoring Timeline 2017-18
Board of Directors Monitoring Timeline 2018-19
Board of Directors Monitoring Timeline 2019-20
Board of Directors Monitoring Timeline 2020-21
The Executive Director meets with senior leaders in each primary academy at least once every every half- term. Monitoring visits include evaluating progress and impact of the School Development Plan, evaluating pupil progress data, school self- evaluation, CPD and school-to-school support. Senior leaders are involved with discussion of strategic priorities and the impact on pupil outcomes. Reports of these visits are sent to the Directors' School Improvement, Achievement and Standards Committee every term. The Executive Director has delegated responsibility to liaise with Local Authority partners, Diocesan Education Service advisors and DfE link officers. If any academy is causing concern, the Executive Director will make contact to inform the Diocesan Education Service Directors. Directors' Catholic Life, Mission and Strategy CommitteeThis committee has key responsibility for setting the strategic vision and direction of the multi- academy whilst ensuring that every academy upholds the Catholic life, values and mission in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic faith and doctrines. The MAC Development Plan is evaluated, where appropriate. Termly reports on Catholic life are presented by each principal. External RE review and Section 48 inspection reports are reported and the progress towards areas of improvement closely monitored by the committee and local academy committee.